1、Great China Restaurant 丰年

Yelp review: Google review: 4.4☆
Address:2190 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone:(510) 843-7996
Service time: Wed-Mon: 11:30am2:30pm, 5:30pm-9:00pm
特色:北方风味 推荐烤鸭

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: https://www.greatchinaberkeley.com/
Menu link: https://www.greatchinaberkeley.com/
2、Heat Café 喜点

Yelp review: Google review: 4.4☆
Address:2364 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone:(510) 771-8822
Service time: Tue-Sun: 11:30am-3:00pm, 4:00pm9:30pm
特色:茶餐厅 简餐

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: http://www.heatcafeberkeley.com/
Menu link: http://www.heatcafeberkeley.com/menu.aspx
3、King Yen Restaurant 京园

Yelp review: Google review: 4.3☆
Address:2995 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone:(510) 845-1286
Service time: Sun-Thu: 11:30am-9:00pm
Fri-Sat 11:30am-10:00pm

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: https://www.kingyenrestaurant.com/
Menu link: https://www.kingyenrestaurant.com/menu
4、Tai San Restaurant 泰山

Yelp review: Google review: 4.3☆
Address:2811 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone:(510) 841-6806
Service time: Sun 4:00pm-9:30pm
Mon-Sat: 11:00am-9:30pm

(Photo from yelp )
Web link:
Menu link: https://www.yelp.com/menu/tai-san-restaurant-berkeley/full-menu
5、Sichuan Style Restaurant

Yelp review: Google review: 4.1☆
Address:1699 Solano Ave, Berkeley, CA 94707
Phone:(510) 525-9890
Service time: Sun-Sat: 11:00am-3:00pm, 4:30pm-9:30pm
特色:川菜 沸腾鱼

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: http://www.sichuanstyleberkeley.com/
Menu link: http://www.sichuanstyleberkeley.com/menu.aspx
6、Da Lian Restaurant 大连酒家

Yelp review: Google review: 4.1☆
Address:1674 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709
Phone:(510) 883-1883
Service time: Tue-Fri: 11:00am-3:00pm, 5:00pm-9:00pm
Sat 5:00pm-9:30pm
Sun 12:00pm-3:00m, 5:00pm-9:30pm
特色:北方菜系 芝麻大饼主打各种海鲜

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: https://www.dalianrestaurant.com/
Menu link: https://www.dalianrestaurant.com/menu/
7、Kirin Restaurant 麒麟

Yelp review: Google review: 4.3☆
Address:1767 Solano Ave, Berkeley, CA 94707
Phone:(510) 524-1677
Service time: Sun-Sat: 11:30am-2:30pm, 4:00-9:30pm
特色:中餐 点心

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: https://www.thekirin.com/
Menu link: https://www.thekirin.com/packages/
8、Lilly’s Restaurant 友谊餐厅

Yelp review: Google review: 4.2☆
Address:1580 Hopkins St, Berkeley, CA 94707
Phone:(510) 526-3127
Service time: Sun :12:00pm-9:00pm
Mon-Sat: 11:00am-9:00pm
特色: 美式中餐

(Photo from yelp )
Web link:
Menu link:
9、Shen Hua

Yelp review: Google review: 4.2☆
Address:2914 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone:(510) 883-1777
Service time:
Lunch | Tue-Fri | 11:30am to 2:00pm |
Sat | 11:30am to 2:30pm | |
Dinner | Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu | 5:00pm to 9:00pm |
Fri-Sat | 5:00pm to 9:30pm |
特色:北方菜 面点

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: http://www.shenhua.co/
Menu link: http://www.shenhua.co/menu
10、King Dong Restaurant 庆东

Yelp review: Google review: 4.2☆
Address:2429 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone:(510) 841-6196
Service time: Tue-Sun: 11:30am-10:00pm
特色:家常菜 中式快餐

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: https://www.kingdong-restaurant.com/
Menu link: https://www.kingdong-restaurant.com/online-ordering
11、Chengdu Style Restaurant

Yelp review: Google review: 4.2☆
Address:2600 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone:(510) 845-5807
Service time: Sun-Sat: 11:00am-9:30pm
特色: 地道川菜

(Photo from yelp )
Web link:
Menu link: https://www.yelp.com/menu/chengdu-style-restaurant-berkeley
12、Imperial Tea Court 裕隆茶庄

Yelp review: Google review: 4.1☆
Address:1511 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709
Phone:(510) 540-8888
Service time: Sun-Sat: 11:00am-9:00pm
特色:中式庭院, 饮茶休闲 点心

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: http://www.imperialtea.com/
Menu link: http://www.imperialtea.com/category-s/1874.htm
13、Famous Bao 包员外

Yelp review: Google review: 3.9☆
Address:2431 Durant Ave A, Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone:(510) 309-9249
Service time: Sun-Fri: 11:00am-9:15pm
特色:面 干锅 特色火锅

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: https://www.facebook.com/Famousbao
Menu link:
14、Mandarin House 枫林小馆

Yelp review: Google review: 3.9☆
Address:2519 Durant Ave # D, Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone:(510) 549-1877Service time: Sun-Sat: 11:30am-9:00pm
特色:中式快餐 点心炒面

(Photo from yelp )
Web link: http://www.mandarinhouseberkeley.com/